Wellness + Self Care Series: Part 4 - Writing as Self Care

Sometimes the truth depends on a walk around a lake.

- Wallace Stevens

More information can be found at www.socialchangeleaders.net 

How often do you do creative writing in your life?   Have you ever tried to write as a way to relax and take care of yourself?  Today, our guest is Jory Mickelson, a writer, educator, and retreat facilitator living in Bellingham, Washington.  Jory helps us understand how writing and being in nature are important self-care practices. Jory is a writer, educator, and retreat facilitator living in Bellingham, Washington.  Even if you don’t consider yourself a writer, you can still benefit from the practice of writing.  

In our conversation:

  • Jory shares his background especially how nature was an important part of his childhood and has inspired his writing
  • Jory offers a variety of suggestions for those wanting to do more writing including the importance of scheduling time for a writing practice  
  • Jory gives listeners a specific exercise they can try at home to kickstart a short and simple writing exercise
  • We listen to a poem written and read by Jory
  • Jory also talks about his own self care practices and writing routines

Mentioned in today’s conversation:

How you can connect with Jory: 

More about Jory:

Jory’s work has appeared in Sixth Finch, The Puritan, Jubilat, Mid-American Review, Diode Poetry Journal, The Rumpus, Ninth Letter, Vinyl Poetry, The Collagist, and other journals in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.  Jory is the recipient of an Academy of American Poet’s Prize and they have received fellowships from the Lambda Literary Foundation and The Helene Wurlitzer Foundation of New Mexico. They’re first full-length collection WILDERNESS//KINGDOM was published in 2019.

Jory is a graduate of the University of Idaho’s MFA Program and the former Poetry Editor of 5×5 Lit Mag and the creator of the blog Literary Magpie. They have taught workshops and retreats on a wide variety of topics including writing and wilderness, mindfulness, zines, creative writing, and poetry as a spiritual practice. They live in Bellingham, WA.