Understanding and Coping When You are ‘Hitting a Wall’

Episode #55

If you can’t imagine getting through whatever you are going through…...just try imagine getting through the next tiny little bit, the next 5 minutes, hour or day, whatever feels manageable.

More information can be found at www.socialchangeleaders.net 

Are you running out of gas?  Do you feel like you are losing steam and need to recharge?  Over the past month, we have noticed ourselves and others expressing the feeling of ‘hitting a wall.’  Having a loss of energy and feeling constantly fatigued.  As we are still in the throws of the global pandemic and as we enter the fourth quarter of 2020, we want to talk about why we all seem to feel depleted, tired and have a sense of loss.  We will also discuss what we can do about it.  In our conversation, we cover:

  • The myriad of reasons we are hitting this wall from what is going on for individuals, families and the societal systems we rely upon
  • The definition of surge capacity and how ours are depleted
  • Common emotions we feel when we hit the wall
  • 5 Ways to cope with ‘hitting the wall,’ including: 
    • Situation acceptance
    • Honoring feelings
    • Expecting less from yourself
    • Elevating relationships
    • (Re)building your resilience bank

Referenced in today’s conversation:

About Your Hosts:

Traci Warnberg-Lemm is the owner of Social Motion, a training, coaching and consulting company that energizes civic, policy and community-based solutions and supports leaders that drive them. Traci has over 20 years of experience serving local communities, nonprofits and government agencies, in the United States and abroad. Social Motion provides coaching and consulting services, organizational development support, small and large group facilitation, and strategic impact planning to support organizations to better collaborate, innovate and create systemic change. Learn more about Social Motion here.

Stephanie Malon-Rufi is owner of Genuine Impact which works with emerging and young socially-driven organizations interested in growing their impact and laying the groundwork for long-term sustainability.  Stephanie draws upon her 15+ years of experience in nonprofit and for-profit management along with her MBA education to collaborate with organizational leaders (and sometimes with their board or business partners) in developing solutions to keep moving forward and have their desired social and/or environmental impact. Stephanie serves as a strategic growth coach and consultant for changemakers looking to take their social enterprise to the next level and feel confident in the steps to do it. Learn more about Genuine Impact here.