Creating a Vision and Planning for More Impact in 2020

Feb 20, 2020

More information can be found at /episode/015

In this episode, you will have the opportunity to:

  1. Learn the characteristics of a good vision statement
  2. Understand the connection between vision, mission, goals and strategies. values
  3. Begin developing a written vision statement by answering 3 questions:
  • What are the core values that drive you?
  • What is the ultimate impact you want to have / difference you want to make?  
  1. What do you want you life / organization / community to be like in 5-10 years
  2. Begin to brainstorm 3 big goals for yourself in 2020
  3. Generate ideas for how you will be accountable to yourself, your vision and your goals in 2020.  

To download the worksheet and sign=up for the free LIVE webinar on January 23, 2020 (1-2PM CST), click here!

We referenced:

Social Change Leaders Podcast, Episode 14 “Creating a Vision and Planning for More Impact in 2020 (Part 1)”

The Brainy Business Podcast, Episode 70 “How to Set, Achieve & Exceed Brainy Goals”

Coaching with Stephanie, Genuine Impact 

Coaching with Traci, Social Motion

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