Collaboration for Social Impact

Aug 06, 2020

Unity is strength ... when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved 

- Mattie Stepanek

Social change leaders and More information can be found at

In today's episode we discuss collaboration. Collaboration is a skill that social change leaders must acquire and constantly improve in order to engage and energize individuals and groups to accomplish mutual goals.  Collaborative leadership involves bringing the right stakeholders together to do the right things to meet community goals.  Many of our challenges today require multi-sectoral partnerships between the public, private and nonprofit sector which require skilled collaboration.  In this episode we:

  • Define collaboration 
  • Clarify the similarities and differences between a partnership and a collaboration and  how they are often used interchangeably 
  • Describe why collaboration in critical to social change activities
  • Share examples of successful collaborative efforts 
  • Discuss our  8 tips for effective collaboration; 1) Focus on Relationships, 2) Cultivate a Collaborative Mindset, 3) Develop Common Purpose and Goals, 4) Create Good Communication Patterns, 5) Embrace and Leverage Differences, 6) Develop Collaboration / Partnership Strategies, 7) Foster / Promote Collaborative Behaviors, 8) Set blended and measurable goals, but focus on progress

In this episode we reference: 

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