#89: Affirmations as a Path to Change
May 27, 2021“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. ”
— Muhammed Ali
Are you effectively using affirmations to have more impact? Did you know positive affirmations can raise the level of the feel good hormones in your brain and thus push your brain to develop new neural pathways for positive and optimistic thinking? In this episode we want to talk about a practice that all social change leaders can and should do - the practice of using affirmations in our daily lives. You will learn:
What an affirmation is and why they are important
The benefits of using affirmations both for personal health and wellness and for professional growth
Ways to approach implementing a practice of utilizing affirmations
Some inspiring affirmations to get you started
Tips on how to write your own powerful affirmations
In this episode we reference:
Stephanie website - Genuine Impact
Traci website - Social Motion
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