#81: 3 Things To Do Before Planning Your Learning Event
Apr 01, 2021Many of us are creating trainings or learning events for colleagues, coworkers or even for clients. Are you engaging the correct people prior to planning? Have you identified why you are doing the training? Do you know how much planning goes into a learning event? In today’s episode, co-host Traci Warnberg-Lemm walks us through 3 important considerations to make before you develop a course, training or learning event. In this episode, you will:
Learn how often training is not necessarily the answer to our challenges
Hear about the importance of understanding and identifying the behavior changes desired from a learning event
Learn one of the best ways to move your learners to implement what they learned and to change behavior
Understand the types of people that should be engaged prior to attending a learning event
Recognize how much time goes into developing a training event
Hear about what needs to happen after the event
In this episode, we reference:
For more information on Traci, you can visit Social Motion
To take the short Quiz, ‘Are your learning activities designed for results and impact?’ LINK HERE
For more information on the course, LINK HERE
Podcast Episode #77 Learning as a Tool for Social Transformation, LINK HERE
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