#75: The Role of Inspiration in Leadership

Feb 17, 2021

“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love - it will not lead you astray. ”

— Rumi

Do you find yourself inspired on a consistent basis?  Do you inspire others?  Do others inspire you?  Inspiration can be the catalyst of great ideas and forward movement to achieve them!  Knowing where we get our inspiration can be helpful on our journey to create innovative social change.   In this episode we examine inspiration, especially how it can be a key component to great leadership.  In today’s episode, you will:

  • Understand what inspiration is and where it comes from

  • Hear about why inspiration matters and the benefits of being inspired

  • Reflect on research that shows how inspiration can be activated and cultivated in each of us

  • Hear about why social change leaders should follow their own inspiration to have more impact 

  • Learn about the importance of inspiration in leadership and the benefit to teams with inspiring leaders

In this episode, we reference:

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